Monday, June 20, 2011

Thought You'd Never Ask!

Alright, I remember one of my friend asking me why is that I can write so much about my views and perspective and not write about my personal life, a reason most of the people make their blogs for ! And you know the funny thing is that I actually do, it's just somehow not exactly direct or like is discreet. So I thought alright, instead of being judgmental about peoples relationship I'd give out details on my life and relationship myself! So I Googled "questionnaire" and ran into this one (and I think it's a mix and match of many cuz I have seen these before) Anyway, so I thought what the hell, I'll go all out anyway! So I thought of filling up this questionnaire, I hope this helps.

  1. What have you learned from life that makes you who you are today?

There is always someone who'd break you and there is always someone who'd mend you. You just have to know who's who, and try being the latter for others.
  1. If the person you loved had an accident and be left with terrible scars for life, would you still love them?

Beyond a reasonable doubt! I promised her I’d love her forever, and sure as hell I meant it.

  1. How do you remember your “first love”?

Innocent and new.

  1. How do you visualize the perfect woman? What are her attributes?

She should be funny above all, be someone who’d stand up for me and take care of me no matter what. Love me till the worst of us come. Never gives up. Smart and intelligent. Attractive. Someone with a beautiful smile, one that in its true sense Makes-your-day. Has a voice that you’d have call your name just to feel good. Have a face that’s your sunshine. Is not fake. Doesn’t give a damn about what people think as long as it makes the two of us happy. That should be more or less it!

  1. If your respective partner had to move far away for many years, would you wait for them?

Yes, but I’m quite sure long distance wouldn’t have worked out. I wouldn’t want my girlfriend to go away somewhere else for 2-3 years. It’s just a reason to grow away from each other. I mean I figured that’d be a problem, that’s why I’m here now, and I didn’t shift.

  1. If we had a child born with health problems, how would you handle the situation?

Well for obvious I’d be upset and worried. Mostly about the financial and social implications of this in the future, but then hey, she’s my daughter and I’d love her no matter what. Plus I want two beautiful princess like my girlfriend, and she believes she has weird teeth, so you know if you consider that as a “health problem” that’d be just fine, cause that’s what makes her so adorable, her supposed “weird teeths”!

  1. Do you believe in God? Why?
I do believe in God. My perspective on religion however is quite different. And I like to believe because I don’t know, you need something to believe in. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with atheist, It’s just I personally would rather have something to believe in.
  1. What has been your most intimate experience?

With my girlfriend, we had this well “intimate experience” which was ground braking, but we had quite the storm after that because of it. But it all worked out. I guess all of my memories, just even holding hands with her kind of makes it so intimate.

  1. Are you a virgin?

No one would leave this question alone for the personal stuff, dammit! Yes, I am. And I don’t have much of a say in when I get to loose it. Yes, I know it sucks, but well … I’m trying to be an understanding boyfriend here and I’m sure my girlfriend will have her shot at being understanding too. But as of now, she doesn’t need any push. And I don’t wanna either.

  1. Do you think it’s OK for you or your respective partner to still have feelings for their ex?

Uh, NO! Duh!

  1. How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Fun, Mean, Optimistic.

  1. What do you consider most important in life?

Well there are many, depends on what you’re talking about. My father for his honestly, Mr. Wilhelm for all that he’s ever taught me. You know like that!

  1. What would be your questions to ask on a first date?

Do you wanna probably go grab some bite or something? And hang out afterwards?

  1. How would you describe the perfect life?

When it’s worthwhile … You have what you “need” and you don’t “want” anymore.

  1.  What has been your most embarrassing moment?

On probably getting rejected on asking out Arushi Wasan. That was hurtful, and embarrassing, and so many other variations of the mixture.

  1.  What has been the most important decision in your life?

I’d say staying back in India for college, so that my relationship with my girlfriend isn’t jeopardized.

  1. If you could change the past, what would you change?


  1. What is the lesson in life that you had to learn in the hard way?

Sometimes what you say, how you feel, anything doesn’t matter. And even the closest to you will think you’re wrong. And the best you can do then is either stand up for yourself and stick to your guns, or go with the flow. Either way, the damage has to be fixed. So both options are alright. What you have to figure is, whether losing whatever you will by standing up for yourself is more worthwhile by losing what you’d lose if you went with the flow!

  1. If your friends arrange a party on the day we had planned to have a candle night dinner, what would you choose?

Candle light dinner, because I don’t know … I always like to put my relationship first.

  1. What was the most dangerous or most challenging thing that you have ever done?

Honestly? I’d say, believe in myself. Why dangerous? Because I don’t know I figured if I decided to believe in myself and things went awry I’d lose everything. I’d be hurt and damaged. A damage that can’t be undone! Challenging because when you have hit rock bottom, and you realize it’s only going up now. The toughest and most challenging thing to do is well “GO UP”!

  1. When you got asked you out, did you for even a moment wanted to say no to me?

Actually, I asked Arushi out. And for the first time, sure as hell she wanted to say no. And so she did. Well actually she didn’t. But I figured.

  1. Who should be the dominating person in a relationship- the guy or the girl? Why?

Depends on the situation really! I don’t frankly believe one person can OR is suppose to be dominating always. Depends on what part of the relationship you can use your expertise on.

  1. What is your opinion on open relationships?

I’d rather have a one night stand. I mean technically it’s really the same thing. You love someone, you commit to them. Period. Call me conservative, but I guess if I have to eat someone else out cause I feel like it, I’m sure as hell crossing some boundaries. Some boundaries I’d rather have intact.

  1. What was the first thing that attracted you towards your respective partner?

Her hair. And what she was wearing. I loved her from that very moment and I want this moment to last forever.

  1. Do you ever feel the need to have total privacy? If yes, when?

Yes – No. Depends. I mean it’s nice to have your own space. But if there a space that you are not “willing” to share (whatever the reason be) or you “can’t” share that space and that information that somehow demoralizes the spirit of the relationship. I might want to keep my chat logs as a private space and if my girlfriend reads it I sure as hell would feel weird. Without a doubt! But I wouldn’t mind her reading it either. That’s the point of relationships: letting ‘em get so close that they know all and everything about you. So much that they can damage you brutally; all you have to believe is that they won’t!

  1. To what extent would you go to make your respective partner believe that you love them the most in this world?

Try me!

  1. Would you ever get a tattoo for your respective partner? If yes, on which part of the body?

Yes, my arms. I want everyone to know how I feel. I’d give her a arm at a blink of an eye!

  1. Who do you hate the most in this world?

Honestly, no one. No one is really worth the “feeling” of hatred!

  1. Who was your first crush? How old were you?

I’m not too sure, about the age OR the name. But I believe it was a girl who was in my class and I adored her. I wanted to sit next to her, speak to her, share her lunch, I adored her. I believe it was more like fascination, for I was a kid. I think 1st grade or 2nd or 3rd grade. I don’t frankly remember. But I just loved it when she smiled at me.

But perhaps of what I DO remember, I think Sunaina, she was in my school and use to sit next to me. She hated me, lol! But I just was blown by her! And that’d be 5th grade.

  1. What is the funniest name you've ever heard?

I know it’ll come as a shock to many, but Arushi! Not funny funny, but you know, I had never heard of it, till I started dating this girl called Arushi. And I was like “Wow! That’s a peculiar name”

  1. Which song irritates you the most?

I don’t know try any Punjabi song. They all sound the same. Fucking everyone has the same voice.

  1. What is the funniest thing you've ever heard on the news?

Oh I don’t know it changes every time I turn on INDIA TV!

  1. What is your worst nightmare?

That one day all will go awry and Arushi will leave me. WOW! That was an honest answer. Didn’t think I’d run into this question nor it’d be the first thought in my head!

  1. If you had the house to yourselves (you and your partner) for three hours, what would you like to do?

Make funny, cheesy, kinky, and romantic memories.

  1. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?

In life I have fallen so many times and gotten hurt. And with an open heart I’d like you to know that I’m scared of falling down and getting hurt. But after I met you, I’m not scared of falling any more because I know you’d catch me before I get hurt. Be here forever.

  1. Which type of person do you hate the most?

Selfish and Fake.

  1. If you found someone's wallet and there was a $100 bill inside, what would you do with it?

I think I’d be smart enough to take it out, put it in my wallet and get the hell outta there. That’s got to pay off for stuff man! XD

  1. What are the qualities that draw you to people that you can base a friendship on?

I don’t know that’s more like an intricate question. I guess it depends from people to people. But perhaps one quality that remains the same is how well perhaps I gel with the other person. I mean, my closest friend, we hardly have known each other for like a year? And it’s so hard to be away from her. She’s so much like me. She gets me, she figures me out without too much of hassle. I think that’s what counts. Funny thing, we hated each other at the beginning.

  1. How have you coped with break-ups in the past?

I guess I’m not really good with coping with break-ups. I mean if the relationship was well worth it. For the good ones, well I have seen and been through the worst. Loads of time alone to myself, cutting myself out from everyone, toxication, and not that I’m very proud of the earlier bit or what I’m gonna write but self-abuse.

But well for the other types you know, the ones that didn’t matter. Never looked back.

  1. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you usually do?

Wait for Arushi to come and fix me up I guess. Or just I don’t know wait for everything to be alright somehow! I don’t know there are so many things. But mostly those two.

  1. What are you afraid to lose the most?

Arushi! I’m afraid I’ll wake up one day and she won’t be part of my life. That’s horrifying.

Having said that, I think I answered a question like this before. Sigh! This is repetitive.

  1. What and who inspires you?

What? Success. Who? Honeslty, Mark Zuckerberg. They guy went from rags to riches with his own might and brain. And he’s so worthy of being someone’s inspiration. Linkin Park. I know, an odd choice, but how they came around from where they started till their stardom it’s such an inspiring story (and I’m a musician. So I always wanted to be in a band so big, so OMG!)

  1. What’s your favorite compliment that you have received?

I don’t know it’s a tie, perhaps one’d be that “I wish I end up with a guy like you who’d make me so happy” or “You have a cute butt”! I know quite the different types of comments but hey! A comment’s a comment!

  1. How long was your longest relationship?

Well to be very exact: One year, Two Months, and Twenty Days! And this relationship (which I’m currently in) has been a life turner, I met the most beautiful and special person in my life. She changed me, and changed me for good. She made me realize how easy it is to lose what you really want and how important is it to hold on to it. She taught me how to be hopeful, and have faith. She taught me how to not be scared. She taught me how to love. She taught me how to forgive. She taught me to be me. She taught me how to be committed. She taught me I can be trusted. And she taught me, I can trust someone too!

  1. What is your biggest pet peeve?

Waiting. I hate it when I have to do that. I like being on time. And I sure as hell expect the other person to be so too! If that means be there an hour early, I couldn’t care less. I hate late comers. And I hate people who cancel out at the last moment and don’t live up to their commitments. It’s really sad that when people do that. And it’s disturbingly irritating too!

  1. What is your worst dating experience?

Uh, I’d have to give to this girl I was with before Arushi. She just down right used me (in every possible way), lied to me straight to my face, didn’t care shit about my feelings, threw me away, and moved on with her life like I was trash. And well she wasn’t my girlfriend so we technically weren’t dating. So just a fling really! But you get the point.

  1. What would your most wicked fantasy be (sexual)?

I don’t know, I really like well role play works !!! Secretaries, Nurse, Cops? Lol! I guess it’s more or less same with every single guy. What matter is how it’s played. Strip tease is sure as hell a boner. A lap dance is the top level stuff. So yeah, lol! Never really thought about it, so can’t answer so definitely!

  1. What upsets you most in a relationship and what makes you the happiest?

I like this question! What upsets me the most? Well surely the fact when Arushi and I fight. It really drains me off of my energy and it’s just such a tiring and gloomy time. I’d rather be doing anything and EVERYTHING else. I hate it when we fight. And above all as I learned couple of days back, I hate it the most when we fight BECAUSE of someone else.

What I like the most? That after saying all those hurtful things, mean, stupid and irrelevant things, we are willing to make up to each other and perhaps forgive. That somehow at the end of it … she knows I’ll love her no matter what and I know she’d too! The feeling of “need to fix” as soon as something goes wrong or maybe even when the fight is ACTUALLY happening, that feeling is satisfying. Makes me believe there is so much more to us!

  1. If your house was on fire and you could grab only 5 things before leaving, what would they be?

Okay! Firstly the Phone. Why? Because, it’s new (one) and two because Arushi would like it. She made me change it, I’d rather keep it. And plus it’s a life line sort of a thing. I need to talk right?

Two, My black beauty (It’s called Arushi – And I know it seems like I’m obsessed with her, but the questionnaire is pertaining to my personal – relationship part of the life, and I’m not obsessed, it’s just I love my guitar and thought I’d name it after my babe) Dean ML MetalMan! It’s a beauty!

Three, My wallet. I got cash on it. Pays for a lot of things. And god knows you need cash!
Four, Clothes. You gotta have certain stuff to wear you know, you just have to!

Five, My stuff in my locker. It’s private, and No one gets a hold of it. It has memories, secrets, etc from 15 years. I’d put it all in my bag, and get the HELL out of there!

  1. What are three good and bad things about you that you think everyone should know?

    • I’m quite optimistic in life.
    • I’m hard to tick off.
    • I am good with my words.

·        I can be ravage-some if I’m upset. Not just for the other person, but myself too!
·        If I decide to get down-right dirty. I GET down right dirty.
·        I’m impulsive. And well, if I decide to let go (and mind you, I take forever to let go) I let go entirely. Every bit of it.


Suman Doogar said...

Hmmmm...well written...

Nirjhar Bhattacharya said...

Thank you. :)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Just a lil' shot at honestly perhaps.

arushi wasan said...

I loved it! <3