Friday, September 30, 2011

Persuit of Happiness

Before I even begin, I'd like to make sure that everyone who reads this fully understands, it's not one of those post-break up blogs, or even I-hate-my-life blogs ... it's just a blog, with a central topic of break-ups, coping with it and well to large extent life and moving on. It's a happy entry, more or less ... so enjoy!

One major advice to all, for the love of god, DO NOT listen to music. ANY EFFIN MUSIC. I mean, it sounds like they're pin-pointing it out that your life just went down the drain and you should be ashamed of it. It's like god's funny way of telling you "I-told-you-so-...-Bithch-!". Especially, if people are listening to songs like Back to me (The All American Rejects),Come back to me (David Cook)or even No Surprise (Daughtry) ... oh boy, better hold on tight then.

Secondly, books and movies ... you know they're temporary relief ... you'd feel great while watching it, especially those chick-flicks and they're great alright ... but see here is the problem - by the end of the movie, you'd be wondering to yourself, why the hell couldn't it be me with that happy ending. Well two parts to that now, ONE - Sucks to be you! and TWO - Who says it can't be you? And where does it state that your book is over? My friends, happy endings exist. Yes, even in real life. It's just you're on your chapter 5 and you're already trying to reach chapter 8. That won't help.

That brings us to point number three. One day at a time. Because see you can't avoid it you know. You might be bitter, you might be sorry, you might be alone, or you might've already moved on, but all in all, if you're gonna rush through the process you might actually miss out on a lot. A lot of chances, a lot of answers, a lot of people, a lot of opportunities. So chill, enjoy the pain, understand that it is not here to stay. What happened in the past, do whatever you can, but you'll never change it, what's in the future, you don't know so no point in bothering. That leaves the present, try it out. Give it a shot. Give it chance and a try, you'd be shocked how much more precise you are while dealing with it then future, or past. How much more it is in your control. Take it one step at a time. One day at a time.

So you loved someone? Good! I'm proud of you, that feeling my friend must be experienced. Now you're saying, you can't love anyone ever again? Now that's just a very Nicholas Spark moment, which if I may mention, only looks good in "A walk to remember" and I'd also like to add, A great novel, and a better movie for a change. But coming back to the point, how can you ditch love? It's there, you know it. You want it. She was was your first, she isn't your last. I know it's scary, to start over again. It's exhausting, painful, and many other adjectives. But of it all, it's worth it. She hurt you, treated you in many ways she shouldn't have, broken you down ... don't you want something better? If someone tells you that you're not the one, and that you love 'em too much and they can't feel the same way about you, then my friend you've already lost the battle, how long before the war ends? Might as well learn from it. It's never worth it. I have learnt it the hard way, trying to make it easy for you!

Remember, there is someone out there, who'd love her more than you have. Treat her better, and maybe none of what I have mentioned. But that's for her to know, and her fate to tell. But there DEFINITELY is someone out there, who deserves you more, will make you happy, treat you better. And of it all, LOVE you. Not fake it, not try to, but actually do. She won't care if you love her more, she won't care if you love her at all, she won't care if the world ends tonight, because she'd want to be with you. And yes, I strongly believe such love exist. Maybe it's just a lotta chick-flicks fucking me up, but tell me one love story that didn't end that way. And no! your break up and Angelina and Brad aren't the ones I mean. I mean the ones like you mom and dads. Look at them. So yes, LOVE ACTUALLY is all around, you'll find it.

In the meanwhile till you find it, and you look for your special person, why miss out on anyone? Why block yourself up. Maybe he'll pass you through, and you'd never know. Open yourself up love. Never let anyone, and yes ANYONE, tell you that you're not worth it. Because you are, you're the most beautiful person that there ever was, and you deserve nothing but the best, and don't let anyone tell otherwise. Moments will come like this, when it will break you up, the person who you'd take a bullet for is the one who's pointing the gun at you. Don't walk away. Take the bullet, and let 'em know, I hope you're happy now that I'm hurt. Also, let 'em know. I hope you also know how it felt. But give everyone a try. Love is there my friend, look for it, don't worry if you don't find, because love likes being occupied, it's looking for you too. :)

Coming to the topic of Revenge! Sigh, stop behaving like a 15 year old kid. Shit happens, move on. But pray to god that they also feel exactly how you felt. So that they know how it feels when you give someone everything you are, everything you ever were, everything you EVER will be, and it isn't good enough for them. Because, more then the pain, hurt, embarrassment,it's the feeling of not being enough that kills you. I think that can only be done away with when the other person feels it too. So don't personally get involved, but hey a lil' divine intervention helps!

Lastly, fellas' accept it ... it hurts. There is no running away from it. The pain doesn't ease down. There is no looking away. No matter what you do, HOWEVER you do it, it'll be there. It's like a constant reminder. So yeah, break-down, cry, hate-life for a bit, works actually. All of the above mentioned so called "techniques" don't help shit! If you think about it, it's more like orgasm with females: You can never be too sure if it'll work or not. But what matters is you never know when someone will come and rescue you out of your misery. So wait for it, one fine day, you'd be back to square one, and you'd be so happy to be there. :)

Just wait for it.

Quoting from One day at a time
"She wondered how many times you could start again, meting people, singling one out, giving fate a chance, moving forward, and then ultimately being disappointed and ending it again."
"You looked so happy in the photographs with him" (Leslie)
"I was. But sometimes even good things come to an end. Fate"


Confused Soul said...

Oh God this was exactly what I needed.. You make me feel so much better. Not that I've broken up with anyone, but somehow was craving for someone to tell me this. Beautifully penned down and makes soooo much sense! :D

Nirjhar Bhattacharya said...

@Confused soul: Glad I could help. :)

samridhi bajaj said...

though it ws almost a year ago i experienced all of this.. bt it seemed like u were penning the story of my life! :)
thumbs up!

Nirjhar Bhattacharya said...

Sorry for the late reply. But I'm sure you know what was I talking about then. :)

I'm glad at least someone understands. :p . Anyway, do subscribe, and keep on coming back for more. :)