Saturday, December 31, 2011

Mr. Nice Guy

Hello, my name is Nobody. Nobody Cares. And this is my story. I'm insecure, I'm confused. I don't really usually know what I want, and I'm sometimes very sure of what I want. I don't know what to do when I don't want to do something, I don't know how to be a better person. But I try to make the most of me anyway!

Everyday is like this new chapter to this huge book that I'm writing known as life. Where everyone wants me to know about something or the other, where I'm suppose to make cautious decisions, where I'm suppose to know what I'm doing. But I don't. I don't think anyone does. I can try to be strong, and smart and sharp. But we all know that we're lying from someone or the other. We can't be what we are, because we're always so fixated on the fact that we want to be something, someone else. Sometimes to please others, sometimes to please ourselves. I do it too. I'm no different. I preach for things I fall short of. And I'm not perfect. But I try.

I'm weak. Sometimes strong on the surface, sometimes hollow till the end. I'm jealous, I'm scared of losing the ones I love. I fight for the wrong causes, and insane reasons. I understand things, that can be sometimes not so important, and not understand certain things which require me to do so. I try loving, I fail at it. I try being the best that I can, sometimes it's a good day, other are under the weather. But I never give up. I keep on going at it.

I make decisions, knowing the consequences. Consequences, of which I'm not very sure of. Hell I'm not even sure if my decisions are right or not. But I make it anyway, mostly because I have always believed in two things Hope and Faith. I guess if anyone has that, anyone can go anywhere. I guess I'll keep hoping I won't lose faith in that.

I like to runaway all the times, mostly because I don't know what to do. But I do it anyway. Because running away isn't the answer. Being a coward to reality is being fake through out. Sometimes I sacrifice things I want because losing what is on the other end of the line is much more important and I can't bear that. Sometimes I don't sacrifice, because I always wonder does the other person feel the same way too? I guess someday I'll find out, and if not, I was never suppose to and move on.

I'm not wise enough to make strong decisions. I need someone to guide me always. I always have someone or the other for that. For that I'm thankful. But is it ever enough? I guess not. The decisions I make are based on emotion and not rationale. Then again, I was always about the earlier, latter is just faux pas. But without decisions being made, there won't ever be any conclusions. And I always like to see the end of things.

I'm scared I'm gonna lose everything I stand for. Everything I have worked for. Everything I care about, and everything I have done to protect and grow. And maybe I will. It has happened before. It hurts, it breaks you down, and it shatters you. I shut down for a while. But it's never enough to stop me. Because if I am not afraid of losing somethings in life, I'll never have them.

I'm the not rightest person to be judged, mostly because you'll judge me wrong. Maybe you'll think I'm a nice guy - I guess I'm not. Maybe otherwise. But all in all, I'm sure, someday, somehow I'll know what I want, and I'll be a better me.

I'll be Somebody. Somebody Cares.

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